Wednesday 2 November 2011

Girlfriend - Jay Park [translation]


Just looking at you I get this feeling
My chest sparks
I keep imagining you and i going away
You’re not but I keep thinking that you’re my girlfriend
When you laugh once, I can’t bear it
Your good points are 10/10, even your bad points are perfect
I think about you repeatedly like a repetitive song
The movie of my love, you can be the director ayyy
In my dreams is you
I learn korean to converse with you
We’re destiny, you’re the right one for me
Like my left handed clap, you’re my other half (sound of a clap)
I sang “count on me", you can count on me
When i’m scared of meat restaurants, i’ll reassure you/i’ll order ‘anshim’ (type of meat) for you
When you’re having a hard time and you can’t endure it
I’m ‘housshidin’ (a Korean ointment you put on scars etc) like your magic , i’ll get rid of your pain

Even if you hear negative things about me,
Trust me baby
Others don’t know how I feel
But you’re the one for me
I’m not usually like this
I used to have a lot of girls
From now on, i’ll only look at you
Baby you’re all I need

Just be my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girl
Be my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girl
Will you go out with me, I want to be happy with you
Just be my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, yeahhh

Wherever I go, girls are always onto me
In the past I was a playboy, yeah I admit it
Don’t worry, there’s no way i’ll do something behind your back
Without you knowing, i’m just you
Attempting our love
I think i’m going to die cos I miss you
You’re not a comedian but I keep on laughing
Whenever I see you, you see the side of me that smiles brightly
You’re a beautiful melody like ladadada
I want to go away with you somewhere far away
Let’s drive in our car, I can’t explain it into words
You’re the most beautiful girl
I don’t have a cold but right now I have a temperature
Even just by looking at your picture, like a fan I go crazy
I’m not usually like this
I used to have a lot of girls
From now on, i’ll only look at you
Baby you’re all I need

Just be my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girl
Be my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girl
Will you go out with me, I want to be happy with you
Just be my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, yeahhh

No matter how I see it you’re a cutie
The two of us really match
All I have is you
Just only count on me oooh
Even if I live a 1000 years, 
I don’t think I can see a girl like you
So please be my baby

Just be my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girl
Be my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girl
Will you go out with me, I want to be happy with you
Just be my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend, yeahhh

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